Foto: F.Wölk / Anselm Rauh und Johannes Baumgarten bei den RBX Pre-Shootings

Wie das Abenteuer begleitet die Outdoor Fotografie das Leben von Felix Wölk seit seiner Jugend. Die fotografische Dokumentation seiner eigenen Abenteuer hat ihn zu einem der renommiertesten Flugsportfotografen weltweit gemacht. Die begleitenden Texte sind durch unmittelbare Selbsterfahrung lebendig und authentisch.

Like adventure, outdoor photography has always been part of Felix Wölk’s life. By capturing his own adventures first he made it into the top ranks of international free flight photographers. Nowadays his work covers many different adventure sports. As an author, Wölk’s articles are written with an authentic and live voice.

  • "In his field, Felix is the best photographer in the world."

    Ulrich GrillRace Organizer RedBullXAlps

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    selected photography by Felix Wölk

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    covers, openers and stories by Felix Wölk
